Dogs in apartments

15 Tips to stop dog barking

Penny Lee

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After battling ongoing barking issues, I have compiled the following 15 Tips to stop dog barking.


If you don’t give your dog enough exercise, he or she will become tired during the day. This can lead to increased barking because the dog doesn’t know what else to do with itself. If you are working long hours and have no time for a walk, try taking your dog on short walks in the morning and afternoon. Combining small changes like this with other techniques often providers the best result than one big event. 

Often excess energy can build up and cause boredom and begin barking, especially if they are not exercised regularly. Try to keep your dog active by walking him or her every day. 

Background Music

There are many calming music options available for dogs, some are paid some are free through services like you tube. Some of these may be more effective than others, but all should help to reduce stress levels. You could also play classical music which is known to calm animals. Try different music, changing every 3-5 days to find one that resonates with your dog.

Anti-barking devices 

There are many different types of anti-barking products out there. Some require you to put something in your dog’s mouth, while others use ultrasonic technology. You can even find some that attach to your dog’s collar and vibrate whenever it barks. 

Ultrasonic device

Some dogs bark more frequently when they are bored. A popular way to help solve this problem is to place an ultrasonic device near where your dog sleeps. When your dog barks, the device emits a high pitched noise which makes them think they are being attacked. It also helps prevent your dog from chewing things that could be harmful.

Vibration collar

Another method of preventing excessive barking is to use a vibration collar. These collars emit a low frequency tone when your dog barks. They work well for most dogs but may not be effective for large breeds.

Other methods

There are many other ways to stop your dog from barking. One of the easiest is to get a shock collar. These collars come with a remote control that allows you to administer a mild electric shock to your dog whenever it barks. However, these should only be used as a last resort.

Natural supplements to reduce barking

There are numerous natural remedies out there to help curb dog barking. One of those options includes ashwagandha, a herb that reduces cortisol levels in both people and pets. This supplement is used to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. It is also helpful for reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. In addition, studies show that L-theanine, another ingredient commonly found in green tea, can effectively reduce anxious behavior in dogs.

Calming Collars such as the Adaptil Calming Collar offer a great alternate, but testing suggests they do not work for all dogs. Due to their low cost, its often worth testing for a couple of months to determine if you see any positive outcome.

Changing routines 

When leaving your house, try not to make a big event, your dog will sense this and begin to get uptight. Work an an approach where you can leave slowly and reduce impact to your dog.

We have seen the results with our own dogs when changing the departure routine, you can read the full story here.

Doggy Daycare

If you work long days and need a break from managing the barking issue, consider enrolling him or her in doggy daycare. Doggie daycare is a great option for busy pet parents who are too tired to take care of their dogs during the day. These programs usually offer playtime, training classes, socialisation opportunities, grooming, and even boarding services. Most programs charge $10-$15 per hour. You can find many options around the country.

Turn On the Radio

A common approach often used by trainers for families that aren’t home during the day, is to leave the familiar sounds running, like a radio or TV. These reduce the surrounding and neighbour sounds when people are present. The idea is that these sound similar enough to the barking that your dog learns to associate it with something good.

We find the old fashion Panasonic radio provides reliable choice if you don’t have any other option available.

Give your dog a personal piece of clothing. 

If you’re having trouble calming down your dog, give him something of yours. A thing that has your scent on, like a blanket, or something from the laundry bin that needs cleaning. It will help soothe him while you are away and remind him that you are close. You could even try placing the laundry bid close by or even placing more than one item in his bed. Mix up the approach to see if there is any chance in his behaviour. 

Reduce light and external interference 

If you want to stop your dog from barking, you’ll need to do something about the noise itself. If your dog barks at everything, including cars passing by, then it could be due to being startled by noise. You can use a technique called “stunting.” This involves closing the curtains or blinds on the windows in question, blocking out the light.

This will make your home look darker, which makes it harder for your dog to see outside. As long as the room is dark enough, the dog won’t know what’s happening. In addition, since the lights aren’t on, your dog won’t hear anything either.

You’ll also need to teach your dog that the sound doesn’t mean anything. Start off slowly by playing some music at low volume. Once your dog gets used to the idea, gradually increase the volume. When you’re done, turn down the volume again. Repeat this process several times a day.

Change Dog Bed

A dog’s bark is often a sign of distress. If you notice your dog barking excessively, check whether there are things about his environment that could be making him feel uncomfortable. Maybe he needs something like a soft bed to help him relax.

Beagles and other breeds like to feel enclosed when sleeping, they like high walls and something around them. This provides a level of security and comfort. Each dog is different, so you might need to experiment with different beds, try a couple and see which one your dog prefers. Borrow or swap with a friend for a few day or even try making a bed if you have the skills. 

Get a Camera with Treat Dispenser

There are several products on the market that include a camera and treat dispenser, they are a great option and often provide short term assistance. They can be used when a considerable change has occurred within your dogs life such as moving house. 

They are best used in conjunction with other methods as you will run out of treats and you can not manage the system all day long. 

The technology is getting smarter and reducing any manual input which is a bonus, but again it may not provide a good long term fix in isolation. 

We are working through a review of different systems and will link back here when done soon. 

Provide different settings to rest

Dog owners often confine their dogs to one room while they’re gone. This makes sense because most dogs don’t like being left alone. However, there are some major drawbacks to keeping your dog in just one place.

The biggest drawback is that it teaches your dog to associate certain rooms with being left alone. If you keep your dog confined to one room, he’ll become accustomed to being left alone in that space. He won’t even consider another room as an option.

This causes problems later in life. When your dog goes into a public building, such as a restaurant or store, he might start acting out because he doesn’t want to be left alone.

You’d think that locking your dog inside a crate or kennel would solve the problem, but it actually exacerbates it. A crate forces your dog to sit still and wait for you to come home. This gives him no chance to explore the area around him.

Another common reason why people keep their dogs locked away is to avoid cleaning up after them. They don’t want to deal with the mess.

However, you shouldn’t be afraid to clean up after your dog. Dogs love attention, especially when it comes to food and water.

If you have a fenced yard, you can take advantage of this fact. You could build a doghouse where your dog can go for shelter during inclement weather.

Don’t react to every bark!

When it comes to training dogs, there are certain things we know to do, and others that we don’t. For example, if our dog barks incessantly, we know to go over to her and give her a reassuring pat. But what about if she starts barking because she wants us to come closer? Or worse, if she’s barking because she needs something? We might think that we’re being helpful by coming over to comfort her, but in reality, we’re just reinforcing her desire to bark.

In fact, many experts say that reacting to every single bark is one of the most common reasons why dogs end up getting aggressive. “If you respond to every single bark, you’ll never teach your dog to stop,” says Dr. Karen Pryor, author of Barking Up the Wrong Tree. Instead, try ignoring your dog’s barking for a short while. Then, once he calms down, you can reward him for his good behavior.

Medical Problems to Rule Out First

Sometimes, barking can be caused by an underlying medical condition, its best to take your dog to the vet for a check up if you feel something might not be right. professional advise is always a good approach if  other plans and methods are not achieving any result.


Penny Lee

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